AuthorKc Wayland

Creator of "We're Alive: A Story of Survival" and "We're Alive: Lockdown". Writer and director, with a current focus on audio drama production.

Season 4 of We’re Alive is officially in pre-production.


Well, the reality of it is that it has been in pre-production since we left off in December, but I have been continually been making notes and outlines, they just are now on the white board and ordered out. The main events of the series are now set into place. I’m excited to bring everything to a close in such a concise way. Don’t want to give much away but I think you’ll be...

Powerful Ponies 3.0!


  Trying something new this year, The OC Improv Cup. No, I’m not just going to watch it, I’m going to be in it! Our team (The Powerful Ponies) is assembling and we are all set to perform on Friday, November 16, 2012 at 11:45 PM. The first day is judged, and more than half the teams don’t make it past the first day, but it’s going to be fun anyway! No pressure~...

Wayland Productions?